General Overview
All material on this site is copyrighted and cannot be used elsewhere (throughout the universe and in any format, whether print, audio or other digital format currently available or released in the future) without the express permission of the website owner i.e. me. Offenders will be tracked down and damages will be requested. Links to the site or specific pages and posts are permitted from relevant sites only as our inclusion on unrelated sites impacts on search engine rankings for both sites. This includes listings on trade directories and B2B portals. Social media sharing is always welcome ?
My Payment Options
Our payment options are PayPal, Stripe, Payoneer (and additional services included by these providers) or direct lodgement to our bank account. We (the company ‘we’) do not accept Western Union, cash, cheque or other payment providers. All transactions are displayed from ‘Outsourced Engineering Solutions Limited’ and reflect my verified business account information.
Free Downloads or Specials
Free downloads are not supported in any way, apart from problems with access or with the download link received. If problems are experienced in these areas, contact me. These materials may be altered for commercial use as necessary and are released under a specific Creative Commons license – defined in the download. They must be distributed free of charge in all cases.
Note: this does not apply to e-books. Free e-books are subject to copyright and cannot be altered for distribution elsewhere. I have not decided on an encryption method yet but will take steps to track down those who post my material in other locations for profit.
Paid Downloads
Templates: all templates are provided under the same Creative Commons license shown above and cannot be sold on for profit. As the original creator of the documents, I am entitled to charge a small fee for the time I spent on them, especially for complex documents. No other individual is entitled to do so. If this is not acceptable – do not download the documents.
E-books: All e-books are subject to copyright and cannot be modified or shared without payment for each copy. I take this practice very seriously and am prepared to devote time to tracking down those who steal from me.
Additional information on terms, legal jurisdiction etc. is available on my company website. By agreeing to the terms on this site, it is assumed that you also agree to company terms. Some will not apply, but make sure you read everything in the ‘About’ dropdown menu, just in case you have an issue.
To summarise: We not responsible for anything, ever AND copying our content/e-books for profit has some risks. We offer a reward to those who tell us when our material is copied without permission.
The above refers to physical document P-009 – Copyright Terms (all sites) – Rev 1, which was issued on November 22nd, 2019. As the physical document changes, so will this web page.